elliot r. wolfson

elliot wolfson has published extensively in the area of jewish mysticism and philosophy in the medieval and modern eras. engaging the immense and complex corpus of kabbalistic texts critically, he also seeks to extend and transform this distinctive tradition of speculative thought. in so doing, he intersects with and contributes to a range of fields and disciplines, including philosophical hermeneutics, the history and phenomenology of religion, and theories of gender and eroticism.

The Book of the Pomegranate: Moses de Leon's Sefer ha-Rimmon.
Atlanta: Scholars Press, 1988.

Through a Speculum That Shines: Vision and Imagination in Medieval Jewish Mysticism. Princeton , NJ: Princeton University Press. 1994.
  • Winner of the American Academy of Religion's Award for Excellence in the Study of Religion in the Category of Historical Studies, 1995.
  • Winner of the National Jewish Book Award for Excellence in Scholarship, 1995.

Circle in the Square: Studies in the Use of Gender in Kabbalistic Symbolism.
Albany: State University of New York Press. 1995.

Along the Path: Studies in Kabbalistic Myth, Symbolism, and Hermeneutics.
Albany: State University of New York Press. 1995.

Abraham Aboulafia—Cabaliste et Prophète: Herméneutique, Théosophie, et Théurgie, translated by J.-F. Sené. Paris: Éditions de L'éclat, 1999.

Abraham AbulafiaKabbalist and Prophet: Hermeneutics, Theosophy, and Theurgy.
Los Angeles: Cherub Press. 2000.

Sprache, Eros, Dasein: Kabbalistische Hermeneutik und poetische Einbildungskraft, translated by D. Westerkamp. Berlin: Philo Verlagsgesellschaft mbH, 2002.

Language, Eros, Being: Kabbalistic Hermeneutics and Poetic Imagination.
New York: Fordham University Press, 2005.
  • Winner of the National Jewish Book Award for Excellence in Scholarship, 2006.

Venturing Beyond: Morality and Law in Kabbalistic Mysticism.
Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2006.

Alef, Mem, Tau: Kabbalistic Musings on Time, Truth, and Death.
Berkeley: University of California Press, 2006.

Luminal Darkness: Imaginal Gleanings From Zoharic Literature.
Oxford: Oneworld Publications, 2007.

Open Secret: Post-Messianic Messianism and the Mystical Revision of Menahem Mendel Schneerson. New York: Columbia University Press, 2009.

A Dream Interpreted Within a Dream: Oneiropoiesis and the Prism of Imagination. New York: Zone Books, 2011.

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edited volumes
edited volumes:
Perspectives on Jewish Thought and Mysticism, edited together with Alfred Ivry and Alan Arkush. Newark , NJ: Harwood Academic Publishers, 1998.

Rending the Veil: Concealment and Secrecy in the History of Religions.
New York: Seven Bridges Press, 1999.

Suffering Religion, edited together with Robert Gibbs.
London: Routledge, 2002.

New Directions in Jewish Philosophy, edited together with Aaron Hughes.
Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 2009.

"Left Contained in the Right: A Study in Zoharic Hermeneutics," Association for Jewish Studies Review 11 (1986): 27-52. Available here (PDF).

"Circumcision and the Divine Name: A Study in the Transmission of Esoteric Doctrine," Jewish Quarterly Review 78 (1987): 77-112. Available here (PDF).

"Circumcision, Vision of God, and Textual Interpretation: From Midrashic Trope to Mystical Symbol," History of Religions 27 (1987): 189-215.
Available here (PDF).
"Mystical-Theurgical Dimensions of Prayer in Sefer ha-Rimmon," in Approaches to Medieval Judaism, 3:41-80. Edited by D. R. Blumenthal. Atlanta: Scholars Press, 1988. Available here (PDF).

"Light Through Darkness: The Ideal of Human Perfection in the Zohar," Harvard Theological Review 81 (1988): 73-95. Available here (PDF).

"Mystical Rationalization of the Commandments in Sefer ha-Rimmon," Hebrew Union College Annual 59 (1988): 217-251. Available here (PDF).

"The Hermeneutics of Visionary Experience: Revelation and Interpretation in the Zohar," Religion 18 (1988): 311-345. Available here (PDF).

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"La hermenéutica de la experiencia visionaria: revelación e interpretación en el Zohar," Acta Poetica 9-10 (1989): 117-143. Reprinted in Ensayos sobre cábala y misticismo judío, 161-181. Edited by Y. T. Assis, M. Idel, and Y. L. Senkman. Buenos Aires: Ediciones Lilmod, 2006. Available here (PDF).

"The Problem of Unity in the Thought of Martin Buber," Journal of the History of Philosophy 27 (1989): 419-439. Available here (PDF).

"Anthropomorphic Imagery and Letter Symbolism in the Zohar," Jerusalem Studies in Jewish Thought 8 (1989): 147-181 (Hebrew). Available here (PDF).

"By Way of Truth: Aspects of Nahmanides' Kabbalistic Hermeneutic," Association for Jewish Studies Review 14 (1989): 103-178. Available here (PDF).

"Female Imaging of the Torah: From Literary Metaphor to Religious Symbol,"
in From Ancient Israel to Modern Judaism, Intellect In Quest of Understanding: Essays in Honor of Marvin Fox, 2: 271-307. Edited by J. Neusner, E. Frerichs, and N. Sarna. Atlanta: Scholars Press, 1989. Available here (PDF).

"Letter Symbolism and Merkavah Imagery in the Zohar," in Alei Shefer: Studies in the Literature of Jewish Thought Presented to Rabbi Dr. Alexandre Safran, 195-236 (English section). Edited by M. Hallamish. Ramat-Gan: Bar-Ilan Press, 1990. Available here (PDF).

"The Secret of the Garment in Nahmanides," Da'at 24 (1990): 25-49 (English section). Available here (PDF).

"God, the Intellect, and the Demiurge: On the Usage of the Word Kol in Abraham ibn Ezra," Revue des études juives 149 (1990): 77-111. Available here (PDF).

"Merkavah Traditions in Philosophical Garb: Judah Halevi Reconsidered," Proceedings of the American Academy for Jewish Research 57 (1990-1991): 179-242. Available here (PDF).

"Hai Gaon's Letter and Commentary on 'Aleynu: Further Evidence of R. Moses de León's Pseudepigraphic Activity," Jewish Quarterly Review 81 (1991): 365-410. Available here (PDF).

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"Images of God's Feet: Some Observations on the Divine Body in Judaism," in
People of the Body: Jews and Judaism From An Embodied Perspective,
143-181. Edited by H. Eilberg-Schwartz. Albany: State University of
New York Press, 1992. Available here (PDF).

"The Theosophy of Shabbetai Donnolo, with Special Emphasis on the Doctrine
of Sefirot in Sefer Hakhmoni," Jewish History 6 (1992): 281-316. Available here (PDF).

"The Influence of the Ari on the Shelah," Jerusalem Studies in Jewish Thought
10 (1992): 423-448 (Hebrew). Available here (PDF).

"Yeridah la-Merkavah: Typology of Ecstasy and Enthronement in Early Jewish Mysticism," in Mystics of the Book: Themes, Topics, and Typologies, 13-44. Edited by R. Herrera. New York: Peter Lang, 1993. Available here (PDF).

"Beautiful Maiden Without Eyes: Peshat and Sod in Zoharic Hermeneutics," in The Midrashic Imagination: Jewish Exegesis, Thought, and History, 155-203. Edited by M. Fishbane. Albany: State University of New York Press, 1993. Available here (PDF).

"The Tree That Is All: Jewish-Christian Roots of a Kabbalistic Symbol in Sefer ha- Bahir," Journal of Jewish Thought and Philosophy 3 (1993): 31-76. Available here (PDF).

"The Mystical Significance of Torah-Study in German Pietism," Jewish Quarterly Review 84 (1993): 43-78. Available here (PDF).

"The Image of Jacob Engraved Upon the Throne: Further Speculation on the Esoteric Doctrine of the German Pietism," in Massu'ot Studies in Kabbalistic Literature and Jewish Philosophy in Memory of Prof. Ephraim Gottlieb, 131-185 (in Hebrew). Edited by M. Oron and A. Goldreich. Jerusalem: Mossad Bialik, 1994. Available here (PDF).

"Forms of Visionary Ascent as Ecstatic Experience in the Zoharic Literature," in Gershom Scholem's Major Trends in Jewish Mysticism 50 Years After, 209-235. Edited by J. Dan and P. Schäfer. Tübingen: J. C. B. Mohr, 1993. Available here (PDF).

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"Woman—The Feminine As Other in Theosophic Kabbalah: Some Philosophical Observations on the Divine Androgyne," in The Other in Jewish Thought
and History: Constructions of Jewish Culture and Identity, 166-204. Edited by L. Silberstein and R. Cohn. New York: New York University Press, 1994. Available here (PDF).

"Negative Theology and Positive Assertion in the Early Kabbalah," Da'at 32-33 (1994):
V-XXII. Available here (PDF).

"Mysticism and the Poetic-Liturgical Compositions From Qumran ," Jewish Quarterly Review 85 (1994): 187-204. Available here (PDF).

"Varieties of Jewish Mysticism: A Typological Analysis," in Mysticism and the Mystical Experience: East and West, 133-169. Edited by D. H. Bishop. Selinsgrove: Susquehanna University Press, 1995.
"Weeping, Death, and Spiritual Ascent in Sixteenth-Century Jewish Mysticism," in Death, Ecstasy, and Other Worldly Journeys, 207-247. Edited by J. Collins and M. Fishbane. Albany: State University of New York Press, 1995. Available here (PDF).

"Metatron and Shi' ur Qomah in the Writings of Haside Ashkenaz," in
Mysticism, Magic and Kabbalah in Ashkenazi Judaism, 60-92. Edited by K. Grözinger and J. Dan. Tübingen: J. C. B. Mohr, 1995. Available here (PDF).

"From Sealed Book to Open Text: Time, Memory, and Narrativity in Kabbalistic Hermeneutics," in Interpreting Judaism in a Postmodern Age, 145-178. Edited by S. Kepnes . New York: New York University Press, 1995. Available here (PDF).

"On Becoming Female: Crossing Gender Boundaries in Kabbalistic Ritual and Myth," in Gender and Judaism, 209-228. Edited by T. M. Rudavsky. New York: New York University Press, 1995. Available here (PDF).

"Crossing Gender Boundaries in Kabbalistic Ritual and Myth," in Ultimate Intimacy: The Psychodynamics of Jewish Mysticism, 255-337. Edited by M. Ostow. London: Karnac, 1995. Available here (PDF).

Harper's Dictionary of Religion. Edited by W. S. Green. Entries: Baal Shem Tov; Devequt; Hitlahavut; Hasidism; Judaism, mysticism of; Lubavitch; Mitnaggedim; Torah Scroll; Zaddiq (1995).

"Judaic Mystical Literature of Late Antiquity." Judaism in Late Antiquity. Volume Four. Special Topics: Death, Afterlife, Resurrection, and the World to Come. Edited by A. J. Avery-Peck and J. Neusner. Leiden: Brill, 1995.

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"Walking as a Sacred Duty: Theological Transformation of Social Reality in Early Hasidism," in Hasidism Reconsidered, 180-207. Edited by A. Rapoport-Albert.
Oxford: Litman Library of Jewish Civilization, 1996. Available here (PDF).

"The Doctrine of Sefirot in the Prophetic Kabbalah of Abraham Abulafia," Jewish Studies Quarterly 2 (1995): 336-371 and 3 (1996): 47-84. Available here and here (PDF).

"Iconic Visualization and the Imaginal Body of God: The Role of Intention in the Rabbinic Conception of Prayer," Modern Theology 12 (1996): 137-162. Available here (PDF).

"Traces of Philonic Doctrine in Medieval Jewish Mysticism: A Preliminary Note,"
The Studia Philonica Annual 8 (1996): 99-106. Available here (PDF).

"Jewish Mysticism: A Philosophical Overview," in The Routledge History of Jewish Philosophy. Edited by D. H. Frank and O. Leaman. New York and London: Routledge, 1996. Available here (PDF).

"The Face of Jacob in the Moon: Mystical Transformations of an Aggadic Myth," in
The Seduction of Myth in Judaism: Challenge and Response, 235-270. Edited by S. Daniel Breslauer. Albany: State University of New York Press, 1997. Available here (PDF).

"Effacer l'effacement: sexe et écriture du corps divin dans le symbolisme kabbalistique," in Transmission et passages en monde juif, 65-97. Edited by E. Benbassa . Paris: PUBLISUD, 1997.

"Coronation of the Sabbath Bride: Kabbalistic Myth and the Ritual of Androgynisation," Journal of Jewish Thought and Philosophy 6 (1997): 301-344. Available here (PDF).

"Facing the Effaced: Mystical Eschatology and the Idealistic Orientation in the Thought of Franz Rosenzweig," Zeitschrift für Neure Theologiegeschichte 4 (1997): 39-81. Available here (PDF).

"Eunuchs Who Keep the Sabbath: Becoming Male and the Ascetic Ideal in Thirteenth- Century Jewish Mysticism," in Becoming Male in the Middle Ages, 151-185. Edited by J. J. Cohen and B. Wheeler. New York: Garland , 1997.

"Tiqqun ha-Shekhinah: Redemption and the Overcoming of Gender Dimorphism in the Messianic Kabbalah of Moses Hayyim Luzzatto," History of Religions 36 (1997): 289-332. Available here (PDF).

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"Mystical Rationalization of the Commandments in the Prophetic Kabbalah of Abraham Abulafia," in Perspectives on Jewish Thought and Mysticism, 311-360. Edited by A. Ivry, A. Arkush, and E. R. Wolfson. Reading , 1998. Available here (PDF).

"Hebraic and Hellenistic Conceptions of Wisdom in Sefer ha-Bahir," Poetics Today 19 (1998): 147-176. Available here (PDF).

"Constructions of the Feminine in the Sabbatian Theology of Abraham Cardoso, with a Critical Edition of Derush ha-Shekhinah," Kabbalah: A Journal for the Study of Jewish Mystical Texts 3 (1998): 11-143. Available here (PDF).

"Re/membering the Covenant: Memory, Forgetfulness, and History in the Zohar," in Jewish History and Jewish Memory: Essays in Honor of Yosef Hayim Yerushalmi, 214-246. Edited by E. Carlebach , D. S. Myers, and J. Efron. Hanover and London: Brandeis University Press, 1998. Available here (PDF).

"The Engenderment of Messianic Politics: Symbolic Significance of Sabbatai Sevi's
Coronation," in Toward the Millennium: Messianic Expectations From the Bible to Waco , 203-258. Edited by P. Schäfer and M. Cohen. Leiden: E. J. Brill, 1998. Available here (PDF).

"Fore/giveness On the Way: Nesting in the Womb of Response," Graven Images: Studies in Culture, Law, and the Sacred 4 (1998): 153-169.

"Listening to Speak: A Response to Dialogues in Postmodern Jewish Philosophy," in
S. Kepnes, P. Ochs, and R. Gibbs, Reasoning After Revelation: Dialogues in Postmodern Jewish Philosophy, 93-104. Boulder: Westview Press, 1998. Available here (PDF).

"Le Tiqqun ha-Shekhinah: Rèdemption et rèsolution du dimorphisme sexuel dans la Kabbale messianique de Moïse Hayiim Louzzatto," Pardès 24 (1998): 51-93. Available here (PDF).

Encyclopedia of Women and World Religion. Edited by Serenity Young. Macmillan
Reference, 1998. Entries on "Divinity" and "Torah."

"Occultation of the Feminine and the Body of Secrecy in Medieval Kabbalah," in Rending the Veil: Concealment and Revelation of Secrets in the History of Religions, 113-154. Edited by E. R. Wolfson. New York and London: Seven Bridges Press, 1999. Available here (PDF).

"Sacred Space and Mental Iconography: Imago Templi and Contemplation in Rhineland Jewish Pietism," in Ki Baruch Hu: Ancient Near Eastern, Biblical, and Judaic Studies in Honor of Baruch A. Levine, 593-634. Edited by R. Chazan, W. Hallo, and L. H. Schiffman. Winona Lake: Eisenbrauns, 1999. Available here (PDF).

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"Ontology, Alterity, and Ethics in Kabbalistic Anthropology, " Exemplaria 12 (2000): 129-155. Available here (PDF).

"Gazing Beneath the Veil: Apocalyptic Envisioning the End," in Reinterpreting Revelation and Tradition: Jews and Christians in Conversation, 77-103. Edited by J. T. Pawlikowski, O.S.M., and H. G. Perelmuter. Franklin: Sheed & Ward, 2000.

"Megillat 'Emet we-'Emunah: Contemplative Visualization and Mystical Unknowing," Kabbalah: A Journal for the Study of Jewish Mystical Texts 5 (2000): 55-110. Available here (PDF).

"Beyond the Spoken Word: Oral Tradition and Written Transmission in Medieval Jewish Mysticism," in Transmitting Jewish Traditions: Orality, Textuality and Cultural Diffusion, 166-224. Edited by Y. Elman and I. Gershoni. New Haven and London: Yale University Press, 2000. Available here (PDF).

"Judaism and Incarnation: The Imaginal Body of God," in Christianity in Jewish Terms, 239-254. Edited by T. Frymer-Kensky, D. Novak, P. Ochs, and M. Signer. Boulder: Westview Press, 2000. Available here (PDF).

Encyclopedia of the Dead Sea Scrolls. Oxford University Press, 2000. Entries on "Heikhalot Literature" and "Kabbalah."

"Lying on the Path: Translation and the Transport of Sacred Texts," AJS Perspectives
3 (2001): 8-13. Available here (PDF).

"Martyrdom, Eroticism, and Asceticism in Twelfth-Century Ashkenazi Piety, "in Jews and Christians in Twelfth-Century Europe , 171-220. Edited by J. Van Engen and M. Signer. Notre Dame: University of Notre Dame Press, 2001. Available here (PDF).

"Phantasmagoria: The Image of the Image in Jewish Magic from Late Antiquity and the Early Middle Ages," in The Review of Rabbinic Judaism: Ancient, Medieval, Modern 4 (2001): 78-120. Available here (PDF).

"Messianism in the Christian Kabbalah of Johann Kemper," in Millenarianism and Messianism in the Early Modern European Culture: Jewish Messianism in the Early Modern World, 139-187. Edited by M. D. Goldish and R. H. Popkin. The Netherlands: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2001. Available here (PDF).

"Moisés de León y el Zohar," in Pensamiento y Mística Hispanojudía y Sefardí, 165-192. Cuenca: Ediciones de la Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha, 2001. Available here (PDF).

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"Gender and Heresy in Kabbalah Scholarship," Kabbalah: A Journal for the Study of Jewish Mystical Texts 6 (2002): 231-262 (Hebrew). Available here (PDF).

"Before Alef/Where Beginnings End," in Beginning/Again: Towards a Hermeneutics of Jewish Texts, 135-161. Edited by A. Cohen and S. Magid. New York: Seven Bridges Press, 2002.

"Beyond Good and Evil: Hypernomianism, Transmorality, and Kabbalistic Ethics," in Crossing Boundaries: Ethics, Antinomianism and the History of Mysticism, pp. 103-156. Edited by J. J. Kripal and W. Barnard. New York and London: Seven Bridges Press, 2002.

"The Cut That Binds: Time, Memory, and the Ascetic Impulse," in God's Voice From the Void: Old and New Studies in Bratslav Hasidism, 103-154. Edited by S. Magid. Albany: State University of New York Press, 2002. Available here (PDF).

"Divine Suffering and the Hermeneutics of Reading: Philosophical Reflections on Lurianic Mythology," in Suffering Religion, 101-162. Edited by R. Gibbs and E. R. Wolfson. New York and London: Routledge, 2002. Available here (PDF).

"Assaulting the Border: Kabbalistic Traces in the Margins of Derrida," Journal of the
American Academy of Religion 70 (2002): 475-514. Available here (PDF).

"Mirror of Nature Reflected in the Symbolism of Medieval Kabbalah," in Judaism and Ecology: Created World and Revealed Word, 305-331. Edited by Hava Tirosh- Samuelson. Cambridge , Mass.: Harvard University , Press, 2002. Available here (PDF).

"Asceticism and Eroticism in Medieval Jewish Philosophical and Mystical Exegesis of the Song of Songs," in With Reverence for the Word: Medieval Scriptural Exegesis in Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, 92-118. Edited by J. D. McAuliffe, B. D. Walfish, and J. W. Goering. Oxford and New York: Oxford University Press, 2003. Available here (PDF).

"Circumcision, Secrecy, and the Veiling of the Veil: Phallomorphic Exposure and Kabbalistic Esotericism," in The Covenant of Circumcision: New Perspectives
on an Ancient Jewish Rite, 58-70. Edited by E. W. Mark. Hanover and
London: Brandeis University Press, 2003. Available here (PDF).

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"Seven Mysteries of Knowledge: Qumran E/sotericism Reconsidered," in The Idea of Biblical Interpretation: Essays in Honor of James L. Kugel, 173-213. Edited by H. Najman. Leiden: Brill, 2003. Available here (PDF).

"Hermeneutics of Light in Medieval Kabbalah," in The Presence of Light: Divine
Radiance and Religious Experience, 105-118. Edited by M. T. Kapstein.
Chicago and London: University of Chicago Press, 2004.

"Beneath the Wings of the Great Eagle: Maimonides and Thirteenth-Century Kabbalah," in Moses Maimonides (1138-1204)—His Religious, Scientific, and Philosophical Wirkungsgeschichte in Different Cultural Contexts, 209-237. Edited by G. K. Hasselhoff and Otfried Fraisse. Würzburg: Ergon Verlag, 2004. Available here (PDF).

"Iconicity of the Text: Reification of the Torah and the Idolatrous Impulse of Zoharic
Kabbalah," Jewish Studies Quarterly 11 (2004): 215-242. Available here (PDF).

"Text, Context, Pretext: A Review Essay of Yehuda Liebes's 'Ars Poetica in Sefer Yetsirah'," Studia Philonica Annual 16 (2004): 218-228. Available here (PDF).

"Biblical Accentuation in a Mystical Key: Kabbalistic Interpretation of the Te'amim," Journal of Jewish Music and Liturgy 11 (1988): 1-16; 12 (1989): 1-13. Reprinted in Essays of Jewish Music and Prayer: Commemorating the Jubilee Year of the
Philip and Sarah Belz School of Jewish Music, 90-118. Edited by M. Nulman. New York: Philip and Sarah Belz School of Jewish Music, 2005. Available here and here (PDF).

"The Body in the Text: A Kabbalistic Theory of Embodiment," Jewish Quarterly Review 95 (2005): 479-500. Available here (PDF).

"Language, Secrecy, and the Mysteries of Law: Theurgy and the Christian Kabbalah of Johannes Reuchlin," Kabbalah: A Journal for the Study of Jewish Mystical Texts 13 (2005): 7-41. Available here (PDF).

"Mythopoeic Imagination and the Hermeneutic Bridging of Temporal Spacing: A Note on Fishbane's Biblical Myth and Rabbinic Mythmaking," Jewish Quarterly Review 96 (2006): 233-238. Available here (PDF).

"New Jerusalem Glowing: Songs and Poems of Leonard Cohen in a Kabbalistic Key," Kabbalah: A Journal for the Study of Jewish Mystical Texts 15 (2006): 103-152. Available here (PDF).

"Suffering Eros and Textual Incarnation: A Kristevan Reading of Kabbalistic Poetics," in Toward a Theology of Eros: Transfiguring Passion at the Limits of Discipline, edited by V. Burrus and C. Keller, 341-365. New York: Fordham University Press, 2006. Available here (PDF).

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"Beschneidung, Gottesvision und Textinterpretation Vom Midrasch-Tropus zum mystischen Symbol," Analytische Psychologie: Zeitschrift für Psychotherapie und Psychoanalyse 146 (2006): 369-405. Available here (PDF).

"La hermenéutica de la experiencia visionaria: revelación e interpretación en el Zohar," Acta Poetica 9-10 (1989): 117-143. Reprinted in Ensayos sobre cábala y misticismo judío, 161-181. Edited by Y. T. Assis, M. Idel, and Y. L. Senkman. Buenos Aires: Ediciones Lilmod, 2006.

"Secrecy, Modesty, and the Feminine: Kabbalistic Traces in the Thought of Levinas,"
Journal of Jewish Thought and Philosophy 14 (2006): 195-224. Reprinted in The Exorbitant: Emmanuel Levinas Between Jews and Christians, 52-73. Edited by K. Hart and M. Signer New York: Fordham University Press, 2010. Available here (PDF).

"Inscribed in the Book of the Living: Gospel of Truth and Jewish Christology," Journal for the Study of Judaism 38 (2007): 234-271. Available here (PDF).

"Imago Templi and the Meeting of the Two Seas: Liturgical Time-Space and the Feminine Imaginary in Zoharic Kabbalah," RES 51 (2007): 121-135. Available here (PDF).

"Angelic Embodiment and the Feminine Representation of Jesus: Reconstructing Carnality in the Christian Kabbalah of Johann Kemper," in The "Jewish Body" in the Early Modern Period. Edited by M. Diemling and G. Veltri, 395-426. Leiden: Brill, 2007. Available here (PDF).

"Structure, Innovation, and Diremptive Temporality: The Use of Models to Study Continuity and Discontinuity in Kabbalistic Tradition," Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 18 (2007): 143-167. Available here (PDF).

"Oneiric Imagination and Mystical Annihilation in Habad Hasidism," ARC, The Journal of the Faculty of Religious Studies, McGill University 35 (2007): 131-157. Available here (PDF).

"Via Negativa in Maimonides and Its Impact on Thirteenth-Century Kabbalah," Maimonidean Studies 5 (2008): 363-412. Available here (PDF).

"Kenotic Overflow and Temporal Transcendence: Angelic Embodiment and the Alterity of Time in Abraham Abulafia," Kabbalah: Journal for the Study of Jewish Mystical Texts 18 (2008): 133-190. Revised version in Saintly Influence: Edith Wyschogrod and the Possibilities of Philosophy of Religion, 113-149. Edited by E. Boynton and M. Kavka. New York: Fordham University Press, 2009.

"Murmuring Secrets: Eroticism and Esotericism in Medieval Kabbalah," in Hidden Intercourse: Eros and Sexuality in the History of Western Esotericism, edited by J. Kripal and W. Hanegraff, 65-109. Leiden: Brill, 2008. Available here (PDF).

"Revisioning the Body Apophatically: Incarnation and the Acosmic Naturalism of Habad Hasidism," in Apophatic Bodies: Infinity, Ethics, and Incarnation, 147-199. Edited by C. Boesel and C. Keller. New York: Fordham University Press, 2009. Available here (PDF).

"Sage Is Preferable to Prophet': Revisioning Midrashic Imagination," in Scriptural Exegesis: The Shapes of Culture and the Religious Imagination: A Festschrift in Honor of Michael Fishbane, 186-210. Edited by D. A. Green and L. S. Lieber. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2009. Available here (PDF).

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"Rose of Eros and the Duplicity of the Feminine in Zoharic Kabbalah," in Botanical Progress, Horticultural Innovation and Cultural Changes, 51-59. Edited by M. Conan and W. J. Kress. Washington, D.C.: Dumbarton Oaks Research Library and Collection, 2007.

"The Anonymous Chapters of the Elderly Master of Secrets: New Evidence for the Early Activity of the Zoharic Circle." Kabbalah: Journal for the Study of Jewish Mystical Texts 18 (2009): 143-278.

"Light Does Not Talk But Shines:  Apophasis and Vision in Rosenzweig's Theopoetic Temporality," in New Directions in Jewish Philosophy, 87-148. Edited by A. Hughes and E.  R. Wolfson. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 2009.

"Das Kleid der Ka'ba: Verhüllung und Entschleierung in den Bilderwelten des Sufismus," in Taswir—Islamische Bildwelten und Moderne, 153-157. Edited by A. Sh. Bruckstein Çoruh and H. Budde. Berlin: Nicolaische B. Verlagsbuchhandlung GmbH, 2009.

"Immanuel Frommann’s Commentary on Luke and the Christianizing of Kabbalah: Some Sabbatian and Hasidic Affinities," in Holy Dissent: Jewish and Christian Mystics in Eastern Europe. Edited by Glenn Dynner. Dettroit: Wayne State University Press, 2011.

"Secret of the Secret: Esotericism in Menachem Mendel Schneerson's Kabbalah," in Reaching for the Infinite: The Lubavitcher Rebbe—Life, Teachings, and Impact. Edited by N. Loewenthal , L. H. Schiffman, and E. R. Wolfson.

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